21 December 2014

Winter Solstice & New Moon Capricorn - ceremonies for the earth

Light fades quickly, shadows creep up on us, where are we really heading?  Momentary stillness, and then daylight returns, reminding us again of the earth's cycles. The new moon of the Yule Goat blesses the illuminated path ahead, all that we wish for is here and now. Explore and express your soul, and remember, everything is sacred. Blessed be.

Pic by Pia

6 December 2014

Full Moon Gemini refreshments

At full speed the Gemini moon urges us to start afresh. Swift words expressed now create desires, while the intellect is pushing boundaries, coaxing the heart to keep up with the changes. Bask under the round Luna tonight and set your imagination free. Gemini's airy inventiveness will tackle those dusty thoughts and send them flying. Shine on and embrace yourself, and remember love is the answer to it all.

22 November 2014

New Moon Sagittarius and freedom loving

Camera, lights, action - Sagittarius has arrived. The archer always aims high and far, cuts through the fog, with an altered view. Use the centaurian energy to expand your shining aura, explore who you really are and break on through to the other side. Light a candle, shoot your arrow, make a wish. It is yours.

6 November 2014

Full Moon Taurus Earth Goodies

Moon and earth nurturing each other, supporting the ongoing cycle. Feasting on their produce, do the same this full luna and spoil yourself with Taurean food and liquids. Earthing in nature, the Goddess in the moon will let you energise and centre, and start afresh once again. Let the old junk go and get your priorities right. You are here and now.

Venice moonrise by Pia

23 October 2014

New Moon Scorpio & occult times ahead

The cauldron is simmering, Scorpio is here. The new luna delights us in her dark embrace. Paired with a solar eclipse, things are shifting and solidifying at a rapid pace. More so, black lace season is upon us. Open up the occult books, light the candles, play that special music, and resume the studies. Scorpio luna blesses your patience.

8 October 2014

Full Moon Aries & Lunar Eclipse

Fight fire with fire and you get nowhere, pull down the defensive and stop hitting your head into the wall. Lunar Aries can ignite a fire swell of emotion, use it to your advantage and admit to the humanity within. Howl at the moon if needed and then embrace yourself with all your gifts and faults, they are unique and will take you where you want to be. Blessed Be.
Drawing by Pia.

23 September 2014

Autumn Equinox & New Moon Libra Balance

Autumn Equinox colours nature in its glorious shades, while the new moon in Libra tries to keep the scales from tipping over to one side. Maybe releasing a few old leaves will balance it out and make us strong again, as we move into the darker times ahead. Blessed Be.

8 September 2014

Full Moon Pisces water healing

Is your cup filled to the brim? Pisces full moon is asking you to retreat and spend time with the precious blue. Detox, cleanse and purify with the water sprites. Allow the Pisces luna power soothe your chakras, feel the calmness and release the demands of everyday life, even if just for today. Zen is everywhere, and you can find it too.

25 August 2014

New Moon Virgo Earth Blessings

Organise, be with the earth and get a grip. New Moon Virgo is nurturing and supporting, helping us to get rid of our dirty laundry and letting go of unfulfilling patterns. Let the maternal Virgo earth support you, tread the precious soil with care and respect. Work with her and she will reward you with a bounty of inspiration and abundance. Bless Mother Earth.

10 August 2014

Full Moon Aquarius & flowing with the cleanse

Full moon with fast thinking Aquarius and the natural forces are sweeping away stuckness like a cosmic hoover. Things are connecting in new ways yet again, the old becomes the new and the new becomes the past. Aquarius throws in surprises and establishes a new order, a progressive chaos which settles like shining dust in the months to come. Can we keep up?  Blessed be.

26 July 2014

New Moon Leo & Heart Chakra Loving

Leo loves with the heart set on fire, the rays expanding in multiversal directions. Let your heart chakra expand under this generous new Luna. Celebrate with your inner child and give it some joyful Leo loving and those innermost wishes will come true. The adventure that starts on this moon will take you beyond your wildest dreams. It is all about love after all, give the universe and yourself a big hug!  Blessed Leo Be.

12 July 2014

Full Moon Capricorn, earthing in the sun

Earth is calling you under this Capricorn Moon, grounding you into a safe place where truths emerge in a spontaneous way. Be free, be yourself, and set the tone for the next lunar cycle, your soul calling is here for the long term. In the midst of the healing wildflowers, enjoy the summer loving. Blessed be.

27 June 2014

New Moon Cancer emotions and unfolding the soul

The emotional Crab New Moon can send you flying high and low. Gently open up and let the unfolding be a natural process. We are past Solstice and the new energies await with unseen horizons calling, but not until you truly release the past. Invite the emotions to guide you while the intellectual analyses take a step back.  Be in sync with the nurturing waters of this Luna Crab and hibernate in her shell for a silent meditation to heal yourself - and the world. Blessed be.

13 June 2014

Full Moon Sagittarius Fire

Fabulously free spirited Friday the 13th.  The sensual archer aims his golden arrow to the goal you intent to achieve. Cleanse away the past with the gorgeous Sagittarius fire and ignite a new stream of projects so powerful you surprise yourself.  Recognise your very own being, here and now.  Moonbathing highly recommended.

28 May 2014

New Moon Gemini escapes

What's your escape? Airy, witty, fast thinking Gemini swirls his energy around you as the new Luna appears with her slice in the sky. Difficult to pin down your ideas? Gemini goes with the flow and winds through the escape gate and emerges on the other side with new visions, ready to manifest in full grandeur.

14 May 2014

Full Moon Scorpio Healings

 This deep watery flower moon washes away the tension and opens the well of desire and creation. Ask for the abundance of creativity from the Scorpio moon's ancient depths. Her healing wisdom opens the third eye to new horizons. Ceremony with the primordial luna tonight and her gifts will be plenty.

30 April 2014

Beltane fire - love, peace and lusciousness

The new moon in Taurus passed swiftly by, while the meddling solar eclipse made for sleepless nights, urging us to leave all that old baggage once and for all. Enjoy the Beltane festivities with the passionate Green Man and the luscious Goddess. Invite their energies into your heart and let go of cobwebs preventing you to partake in the dewy song of the soul. Tune into the fertility powers of this new season, and create, love and laugh from the depths of your heart. Blessed be.

15 April 2014

Full Moon Libra Eclipsing

The seen and the unseen. Veiled underneath complicated thoughts, the full luna eclipse brings the opportunity to release and grow. The stellar conspiracy may feel too invasive but the purge is for the best. From the temporary darkness comes a new light, an opalesque luminescence that cleanses and puts our innards back where they belong. Blessed be in these changing times.

20 March 2014

Spring Equinox Blessings

Day and night equal, balance is here, give the body time to replenish at its very source. Grab that dusty book neglected off the shelf, and dwell within the pages of a new adventure. Count your blessings for the Ostara season and let her take charge. All will be reborn again, in a greater place than ever.

1 March 2014

New Moon Pisces and nurturing the dreams

Planting, nurturing, growing. Keep your feet on the ground beneath the Piscean moon of daydreaming. Listen to your inner voice and let it speak from its' core. Plant your dreams, sow your soul and then be still, watch it all evolve from a point of no return. Blessed are the creative spirits who expand their circles.

Drawing by Pia, 2014

14 February 2014

Full Moon Leo Loving & Valentines is for all

For all of you, whether in love, out of love, falling in love, waiting for love, I send a Love Fairy to hug you under this wintery Full Leo Moon. Pull in your claws and purr for the love. And as we Leos say, everyday is Valentine, even if it means the rose tinted glasses at times gets misty from tears, there is always a sweet kind of gold at the end of the rainbow. And sometimes an annoying Leprechaun waking us up to reality.

Drawing by Pia, 2014

30 January 2014

New Moon Aquarius revelations

The water bearer in its New Moon phase brings us renewed collective awareness and a chance to set it all right. Have a quiet moment in solitude and ponder on your role in the world, in the quest of truth and honest communication we are all united. What you will hear might reveal and enchant, and most certainly will set you on an exploratory path.

Pensative Merman, oil painting by Pia, 2006

15 January 2014

Full Moon Cancer and cleansing creativity

Full Moon in Cancer, freeing the emotional waves from inside, rise above and embrace this luminous aquatic cleanse. The new year ahead will bring gifts of surprising measures, take time and breathe and be ready to receive. Grab your pen and note down your wishes, let the Crab Moon soothe and reassure your soul, and know that it will all come to fruition.

Moon Ocean Goddess, watercolour by Pia