20 March 2014

Spring Equinox Blessings

Day and night equal, balance is here, give the body time to replenish at its very source. Grab that dusty book neglected off the shelf, and dwell within the pages of a new adventure. Count your blessings for the Ostara season and let her take charge. All will be reborn again, in a greater place than ever.

1 March 2014

New Moon Pisces and nurturing the dreams

Planting, nurturing, growing. Keep your feet on the ground beneath the Piscean moon of daydreaming. Listen to your inner voice and let it speak from its' core. Plant your dreams, sow your soul and then be still, watch it all evolve from a point of no return. Blessed are the creative spirits who expand their circles.

Drawing by Pia, 2014