31 July 2015

Full Moon Aquarius – let the inner fairy loose

Uplifting and curious, the full luna is at her inventive best in Aquarius. She asks you to spread your wings and invite the mastery of life and love into your most intimate spheres. Nothing is lost as we express ourselves today and continue to lift the vibrations on the transformational journey this year Manifest and be at peace as the fairy wings flutter with joy.  Blessed be.

15 July 2015

New Moon Cancer watery realms

Sensitivity is in the sky tonight as the watery crab luna rises, perhaps triggering weak points and illuminations of the ancestral worlds. Deep diving can be strenuous, and gazing underwater with eyes wide open reveals more than you might want to see. Be kind to your inner child as mother moon's new rays shine and caress you under the summer's spell. Blessed Be

1 July 2015

Full Moon Capricorn & journeying inward

The Goat moon is calling you tonight. It is time to revalue where you stand, where you want to be and how to become all that. Tune into the lunar fullness as she rises in the sky, and make space for your thoughts. Travel inward and find your magic spot where you can forgive and be at peace. Then mimic the goat's enduring power and know that you are in charge once again. Blessed Be