29 December 2016
New Moon Capricorn, with goaty wishes
What do you wish for? Use your horned antennae at this new moon to source your insights and welcome the intuitive answers. Accept what is needed as the lunar goat grounds and balances the energies of reciprocity and lets you breathe freely. As the winter sun grows in the sky and casts its' extended rays of warmth, your new year on Mother Earth has begun. Take the easy path this time and observe the obstacles dissolve with the blessing of the sturdy goat.
Blessed be )0(
14 December 2016
Full Moon Gemini & jumping for joy
Blessed Be )0(
29 November 2016
New Moon Sagittarius & friendly arrows of light
Seek the sky tonight and find the slice of the archer's new moon. Befriend the Sagittarian flames of adventure and let them infuse true passion into your visionary realm and capture your inner fire. Pack your imaginary bag and set afoot on a new bright journey, guided by the positive and chivalrous light of the sensual arrow keeper. Try something new, be experienced and let the psychedelic colours match your radiant aura as you become a flower child of this age. Peace.
Blessed Be )0(
14 November 2016
Full Moon Taurus & Peace Circle
Place your hands on your heart, inhale love and exhale peace. Feel the healing earth underneath you and point your magic crystal wand to the sky as the Taurus full moon rises. Her shining lunar roundness alerts us to act in a resourceful way, giving energy only to that which ignites a sense of Zen. Extend the comfort and truth with your tribe and create a circle of peace. Take action now, Mother Earth needs you.
Blessed Be )0(
30 October 2016
New Moon Scorpio & Samhain Healings
Hear your ancestors call under the Scorpio new luna and listen to their wisdom. They whisper your name silently as you bravely peek through the veil and gaze upon their honest eyes. Take this opportunity and heal that which is broken, release your secrets and set yourself free once again. As the candles are lit for the spirits to see, the subtle moonbeams will light your way at this Samhain celebration.
Blessed Be )0(
16 October 2016
Full Moon Aries & cleanse it with fire
Make that belated bonfire tonight of all the negativity to be banished once and for all. No need to say you are sorry when the dead wood burns away and dissolves under the blazing Aries' lunar power. Turn around revived and express gratitude to your soul's journey as you again rise from the smoke, with a glowing aura of restored perception of the universe.
Blessed Be )0(
Drawing by Pia
1 October 2016
New Moon Libra & touching your soul
Touch the new moon's Libran energies and let the
scales balance your impatience. The fruition to your ideas will
materialise in a majestic fashion. For now, stay grounded and let the
airy vibes flow through you and enrich the fire of your passion,
whatever it may be, if rooted in honesty it will not fail. Blow a
kiss to the opulent night sky and shake loose the shackles that bind.
Blessed Be )0(
Drawing by Pia
16 September 2016
Full Moon Pisces & fishing the subconscious
Watery reflections repeatedly bouncing back from the past to the present. The full lunar power of the Piscean dreaminess resurfaces as we recall who we once were. Gather your bait and fish for your lost soul parts, observe as they rush towards you in shimmering drops. Sense the fullness of your whole being, be like the round moon, escape from your earthy chores and float free with the cosmos.
Blessed Be )0(
Drawing by Pia
1 September 2016
New Moon Virgo & abundant earthyness

Connect with nature under this grounding new luna and contemplate clearly on your earthy wishes. The essence of the logical Virgo will fill your cauldron of abundance with supportive strength. Make a bouquet of autumn wildflowers and brush your aura, invigorating the electric pathways for the beaming of lunar rays. Be steadfast in your progress and lay your hands on Mother Earth for a reciprocal healing.
Blessed Be )0(
18 August 2016
Full Moon Aquarius & dreaming with the collective
Co-create with the airy aquarius tonight as the
full moon shimmers with the late summer’s glow. Feathery whispers
release the angst as you connect with the collective peace. There is
calmness amidst the hectic pace of becoming someone else. Your
fifteen minutes of stardom will be unleashed as the innovative water
bearer unites with the passionate lioness. Empty the vessel of your
soul and welcome the universal support, your way is now.
Blessed Be)0(
2 August 2016
New Moon & Leo Lammas Love
Under the soft, warm and furry beams of the new
Leo luna, gather your creative lights and go wild. The Lioness roar
will empower you with sonic vibrations and colour all your chakras in
their brightest hues. Create your own dream catcher, envision the
force of all coming true and join hands with your inner pussycat.
Purring can take you a long way as you swing your tail under the
protection of the golden sheen of the Leo.
Blessed Be )0(
19 July 2016
Full Moon Capricorn & howling with the earth
Wolves might howl tonight under the full luna with
the summer nights craving lupercalian magic and mayhem. Stay
with the moon-goat’s earthy vibe as you re-configure the past six
months. What new is there yet to explore this year? Metamorphose
temporarily into animal form and tread in your familiar’s shape and
sense achievements quickening. Enter the dream world and journey
safely through the roots of the earth and then awaken to a new
bountiful dawn.
Blessed Be )0(
4 July 2016
New Moon Cancer & flowing waters
Bathe in the Cancerian luna’s watery embrace and
wash out the turbulence of the past weeks. Mother Earth needs
healing, aim to hold her under the new moon tonight while you sing
your intentions. Be the river of manifestation as you close
your eyes and hum to the tune of the waves. Feel your body and soul
responding to that which stirs you and be ready to receive, the Crab
moon’s power is immense.
Blessed Be )0(
20 June 2016
Full Moon Sagittarius & Solstice Blessings
Wake up with the fairies and spend the day with
their lightfilled laughter, be content when the full moon rises, as
the archer is at it again with his precious arrows. Connecting
with the energies of the sun and the moon creates a magical moment
for blessings. Maybe pen a prayer for Mother Earth as she is
realigning herself for a new season. Sleeping in the Midsummer
Night’s Dream, wait for Puck to blow love dust in your eyes. Who
knows where your next love appears? Wink to the moon and aim
Blessed Be )0(
4 June 2016
New Moon Gemini & High Priestess Healings
Be your own High Priestess at this new luna in
Gemini and wipe the slate clean with your magical tools of healing.
The airy twins appear everywhere when you open your eyes to the
signs. Let their trickeries humour you and lighten up any clouded
thoughts as the nights soon reach their shortest hour. Maybe a
fairy or two will appear tonight as you sip a healing brew under the
lunar sky. Prepare for magic.
Blessed Be )0(
21 May 2016
Full Moon Sagittarius & weaving with fire
Gather your loose threads and weave your own
destiny under the fire moon of Sagittarius. She allows you to
go further than before. Step inside the archer’s beautiful lunar
sheen and rise above all that is mundane. Ask for a miracle healing
if you wish, as the silver rays of the moon are woven into a
protective nest that only the arrow keeper can create.
Blessed Be )0(
6 May 2016
New Moon Taurus and calling in fortune
Spin the Wheel of Fortune with the help of the
earthy Taurus tonight, grounding your wishes with his muscular body.
This slow new luna brings stability and support to that which is
dearest to your heart. The sensual ox will splash you with luxurious
gifts once you have firmly stated you are willing to push through the
blocks. Enjoy the newness of the moon, as she synchronises with the
movements of your soul.
Blessed Be )0(
22 April 2016
Full Moon Scorpio and hidden magic awakes
What is in your magic pouch? The Scorpio full luna
reveals your hidden desires, pulling them out of the bag,
laying it all out for you. Be prepared for the sting of the arachnid
penetrating your soul’s call and give in. Do not fear the ancient
wisdom of the Scorpio, instead be the patient querient as la luna
illuminates the answer.
Blessed Be )0(
7 April 2016
New Moon Aries: journeying with the fool
Be like The Fool today, pack your imaginary bag of
hopes and dreams, colour your own path and don’t be afraid of inner
change. The Aries new luna burns away your past hurts and embraces
curiosity of the journey ahead. Go back to the roots of your very own
being and be alert of the opportunites observing you from unexpected
avenues. Enjoy every moment of your new-found magic.
Blessed Be )0(
22 March 2016
Full Moon Libra and Lunar Eclipse
Stay at peace with the gorgeous Spring Goddess,
her rhythm flowing with yours. Balance the scales of the Libra full
luna, adjust the overflowing bowl and fill the void one that thirsts
for change. With the emerging buds of the new season, shed your
old patterns and stand in warrior pose, be ready to emerge once more
from mother earth’s core. Smell the daffodils, wait for the
bluebells to blossom and spin the web of magic with your soul tribe.
Blessed Be )0(
8 March 2016
New Moon Pisces and Solar Eclipsing
Don’t be occulted by others trying to deny your
glow, instead go forth in your own sunshine as the Piscean dreams
undulate and immerse you in their soft waves. Move your feet in
a trance like motion and ground your plans into the earth.
Raise your hands to the sky and receive the healing rays of the dark
luna, projecting like lace, securely enveloping your whole being in
tiny patterns that will imprint and grow. Bow your head and
trust the process, stay with your heart illuminated open.
Blessed be )0(
Drawing by Pia
22 February 2016
Full Moon Virgo and bountiful grounding
La Luna is grounding in her Virgo vibe today and
settles us into an organisational realm. Clutter clear and make space
for the new bounty to arrive. Do not focus on lack but expect the
best and know that there is enough for everybody in all parallels of
the universe. Broomstick sweep the dust away, open the windows and
let the Virgo energy in to fortify you.
Blessed Be )0(
7 February 2016
New Moon Aquarius & Fire Monkey New Year
The energies are shifting today as the Aquarian New
Luna and the Fire Monkey join forces to cleanse out the old and
invite in the new. Monkey as the trickster will push you
forward, assessing exciting new ideas which the Aquarian airyness
brings in. Is there anything left to air out? Leave it to
the Fire Monkey to burn and breathe out the stagnation as you
gaze at la luna’s dark rays. Browse your mind and locate a
new perspective to that which you already know.
Blessed Be )0(
23 January 2016
Full Moon Leo, in love with creativity
Pull out your crayons this weekend as the full
lioness luna is in a playful mood. Feel her joy and loving
embrace as she asks you to sing, write and dance. Colour your walls,
if needed, and look forward as you release any stagnation into the
Leo bonfire. Perhaps it is time for a romantic self-care retreat, as
you shake your hips and invite the creative flow to guide you.
Let the lioness paws caress you and indulge in being loved.
Blessed Be )0(
Drawing by Pia
9 January 2016
New Moon Capricorn: clear, manifest and commit
The new goat moon treks the cliffs confidently in
her little steps, keeping the balance as she decides where to go.
What are you stepping into or out of? Let this first new luna of the
year show you the commitment you wish for, she is not scared of
falling from the heights. Let her clear your obstacles and manifest
the higher visions, those sparkly ones that have been hiding. Time to
shine on.
Blessed Be )0(
Drawing by Pia
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