22 March 2016

Full Moon Libra and Lunar Eclipse

Stay at peace with the gorgeous Spring Goddess, her rhythm flowing with yours. Balance the scales of the Libra full luna, adjust the overflowing bowl and fill the void one that thirsts for change.  With the emerging buds of the new season, shed your old patterns and stand in warrior pose, be ready to emerge once more from mother earth’s core.  Smell the daffodils, wait for the bluebells to blossom and spin the web of magic with your soul tribe.

Blessed Be )0(

8 March 2016

New Moon Pisces and Solar Eclipsing


Don’t be occulted by others trying to deny your glow, instead go forth in your own sunshine as the Piscean dreams undulate and immerse you in their soft waves.  Move your feet in a trance like motion and  ground your plans into the earth.  Raise your hands to the sky and receive the healing rays of the dark luna, projecting like lace, securely enveloping your whole being in tiny patterns that will imprint and grow.  Bow your head and trust the process, stay with your heart illuminated open.   

Blessed be )0(

Drawing by Pia