3 November 2013

New Moon Scorpio Transformations

The Scorpionic moon creates symptoms of the universe and makes the Samhain cauldron bubble over. So much to release - bless the past and let it go, new light is ahead, let it in with its passion to transform all that has been. Blessed be.

18 October 2013

Full Moon Aries Fire

Lunation and Aries fire liberates and expands, while the emotions of the soul are expressed in a cacophony of dreams, take time and enjoy and heal in wavelike motions. Though remember to never forget who you truly are, and work with this passionate fire. 

4 October 2013

New Moon Libra Balance

Let Libra balance the scales, give up the frustrations of control and be blessed by the airy flow. Trust in yourself accepting new things, promoted by the dark lunar rays. Relish in the autumn dusk, there is plenty to harvest in the season of Mabon.

19 September 2013

Full Moon Pisces and Autumn Equinox Magic

Miracles, magic and mayhem, all closely related in these changing times. May the aquatic Pisces splash awakenings and remove delusions. Welcoming Equinox energies to stabilise and bring back that which was lost. Soul retrievals in times of autumn, will direct the times ahead.

5 September 2013

New Moon Virgo earthyness

Calling in the energy of the Virgo, be with the earth and enjoy moments of self-care in the quietness of the shadowed moon. Hares appearing, bringing a message of nurture and fertility, allowing us with ease to bounce forward. Blessed Be.

20 August 2013

Full Moon Aquarius sheen

Aquarius Moon again, bursting with a renewed sheen, gathers other kinds of magic, a crow-call to be yourself and to trust the intuition and find the place where you belong. Another dreaming one for me, Aquarius and Leo, polarities stir ideas inside, to resurface later.

6 August 2013

New Moon Leo Love

Love, pink, and roses, enjoy the fire and passion of the new big feline moon. With the claws retracted, the heart chakra is healing. Out with the old, in with the new, bless and purr in this season of Leonine creativity.

22 July 2013

Full Moon Aquarius Holidays

Sleep and rest, this voluptuous luna calls me to regenerate in dream time. Feathery messages in a time of change, I rest my head on soft pillows of cloud and hold on to my soul ...

8 July 2013

New Moon Cancer Dreams

Water and emotions are flowing with the New Crab Moon. Sit in stillness, go into your ancestral past and journey with the gentle energies of the sky's silvery darkness. Dreamlike magic will embrace your healing wishes, enjoy the softness, the caress of the moon, as she whispers soul-truths in your ear.

23 June 2013

Solstice & Full Moon Capricorn Healings

The Midsummer party goes on, find your feet again and stay grounded, the ambitious Capricorn focuses outwards, while Cancer nourishes and soothes the emotional turmoils. Some Sagas begin, others conclude, and the Norns continue to weave their Magic. Viking Blessings today to all.

8 June 2013

New Moon Gemini

Airy Gemini brings the intellect forth, socialising and chatting, bringing ideas together. Pick up a new book, engulf and enrich in the words. New projects are birthed through focus. Project yourself into the world as the Star you are.

25 May 2013

Full Moon Sagittarius Love

Enjoy the archer's super moon and feast on the silvery rays of love and adventure. Blessed be.

9 May 2013

New Moon Taurus & Solar eclipse musings

Earth and earth, paired by the solar eclipse, seed the fortune, revel in the luxury of the sensuous mind, go where the imagination takes you, but don't step too far. Earthy Taurus keeps you steady and the solar eclipse fortunes your dreams. Revel in tastes and scents of the earth, stay close and ask the earth fairies for guidance to bring you back, when the time is ripe.

25 April 2013

Full Moon Scorpio Gifts

Mysterious Scorpio Moon, paired with luxurious Taurus Sun, brings awareness of the gifts you hold and share in everyday sacredness. Give gratitude for all that is in the present, this linking the past with the future, in the deep waters of the stinged one we can find a new light.

10 April 2013

New Moon Aries Passion

Ignite the inner fire with Aries passion, this powerful New Moon will set the seed for what you want to achieve, be healthily selfish, yet without the ego getting in the way. Spring fairies are awakening and will take your hand, safely guiding you to new adventures.

27 March 2013

Full Moon Libra & Happy Easter

Embrace the egg magic, create ceremony, feather away doubts and fall into balance. Days lengthen slowly as the sun tries to make an appearance. Enjoy the continuing festivities of Ostara, bringing bountiful blessings of fertility and happy bunnies as we wait for the thawing.

11 March 2013

New Moon Pisces Dreams

Ride the wave to the dreams with the watery new moon. As the surf changes and swells, it brings on the emotional release needed to gain a moment of truth. Blessed be the Piscean manifestation of the inner dreams.

25 February 2013

Full Moon Virgo Cleanse

Cleanse and clean, glimmer and sheen, ask the house fairies for help to get all things in order. Transform old hurts, weed out stuffy thoughts and retract downward spirals. Virgo and Hera will put the spark back into the soul, place the fire in the hearth and push you forward to the dream.

10 February 2013

New Moon Aquarius and Water Snake New Year

Airy Aquarius and watery snake bring new ideas and change, shedding skins and manifesting with thoughts, stay calm and be positive, let the skin fall off, clutter clear corners and plant the seeds. Spring is on its way.

2 February 2013

Imbolc Light

 Simplifying life with the ancestral energy of the all-knowing Goddess and the renewing lights of Imbolc, blessed be ...

27 January 2013

Full Moon Leo & Wolf Moon Howls

Wintery chill, the silver moon howls with the wolf, there is guidance to be sought, alpha males in their solitary beings, she-wolves rising to the pack. Be still and amaze at the wonders of animal guidance, in dreams, sights and readings, all point to the continuing journey.

11 January 2013

New Moon Capricorn Projects

Capricorn projects and stabilizes ideas, it is a profound time to make new plans to learn more of what you love and make this a commitment for 2013. I commit to continue to learn about the power of crystals, the wisdom of earth, the connections of people and trusting the force of spirit bringing it all together. Enjoy the start of the new year with this grounding New Moon.