25 December 2015

Full Moon Cancer with home delights

Sparkles and sheen from the full Yule moon arrive tonight. Take time to look at her roundness and healing silver light and remember that the home sphere is the hemisphere for the nostalgic Cancer moon.  Is there something left to release and cleanse before the New Year?  Write a note to Santa’s helpers and offer his reindeer a bite to eat.  The Yule magic is all around you, rejoice and delight.

Blessed be )0(

21 December 2015

Solstice Light

Retreat into the cave of the Solstice night as the light slowly returns. Emerging refreshed, step out and unveil your eyes, as your soul re-connects with your tribe. Ask the Bear for guidance if you feel temporarily lost, she will protect you with her maternal instinct and provide solace in your return to the light. Tread lightly with sensitive paws, and guard your space, there is much to explore. And know that the best is yet to arrive.

Blessed Be )0(