20 March 2015

New Moon Pisces, Spring Equinox and Occulted Sun Cleanse

Powerful combination today, sweeping away cosmic debris and preparing us for the lighter era to resurface. Struggles are being healed as we move away from the presumptions, assumptions and stagnant energy. Dream your wishes true tonight, tell them to the Piscean Luna and she will help you, one step at a time.

5 March 2015

Full Moon Virgo tree hugging

Do what the Virgo does best today, organise, clean and manifest, and don't let the emotions overtake you. This full luna calls for earthyness and digging into the soil. Stay still for a moment, feel the healing ground beneath your feet, and then release the whirlwindic thoughts. Abundance, in its many forms, is arriving once you know what you want.   Blessed Be