19 July 2016

Full Moon Capricorn & howling with the earth


Wolves might howl tonight under the full luna with the summer nights craving lupercalian magic and mayhem.  Stay with the moon-goat’s earthy vibe as you re-configure the past six months. What new is there yet to explore this year? Metamorphose temporarily into animal form and tread in your familiar’s shape and sense achievements quickening. Enter the dream world and journey safely through the roots of the earth and then awaken to a new bountiful dawn.

Blessed Be )0(

4 July 2016

New Moon Cancer & flowing waters


Bathe in the Cancerian luna’s watery embrace and wash out the turbulence of the past weeks. Mother Earth needs healing, aim to hold her under the new moon tonight while you sing your intentions.  Be the river of manifestation as you close your eyes and hum to the tune of the waves. Feel your body and soul responding to that which stirs you and be ready to receive, the Crab moon’s power is immense.

Blessed Be )0(