25 February 2013

Full Moon Virgo Cleanse

Cleanse and clean, glimmer and sheen, ask the house fairies for help to get all things in order. Transform old hurts, weed out stuffy thoughts and retract downward spirals. Virgo and Hera will put the spark back into the soul, place the fire in the hearth and push you forward to the dream.

10 February 2013

New Moon Aquarius and Water Snake New Year

Airy Aquarius and watery snake bring new ideas and change, shedding skins and manifesting with thoughts, stay calm and be positive, let the skin fall off, clutter clear corners and plant the seeds. Spring is on its way.

2 February 2013

Imbolc Light

 Simplifying life with the ancestral energy of the all-knowing Goddess and the renewing lights of Imbolc, blessed be ...